Hydrophone Array Raw Data

The raw data format for the Institute for Ocean Sciences (IOS) hydrophone arrays is a binary hyd file. These arrays consistent of three hydrophones, a mounting frame and a data acquisition system. The system collects acoustic data and stores it in 5 minute segments in three separate channels within a single hyd file. MATLAB code was provided by the Instrument Development Group at IOS to read these files. Once read, we produce the standard suite of hydrophone data products (audio data and hydrophone spectral data). For additional information, see the instrument documentation under hydrophones, specifically, devices 22 and 1007, are active on the VENUS network and regularly produce hyd files. As this is a completely custom binary file, only expert users who have access to the aforementioned MATLAB code should download this data (contact us for more information about working with hyd files). The standard hydrophone data products, including wav, MP3 and spectrogram images, are suited for general use.

The .hyd files also contain information on the sample rate and gain settings for the hydrophones. (The VENUS hydrophone system used automatic gain control, meaning the gain was always changing; this was recorded in the .hyd files.)

Oceans 3.0 API filterdataProductCode=HARD

Revision History

  1. 20140123: initially made available in data search. This product has been available through VENUS data download since ~2009.

Data Product Options



hyd files are a unique binary format, readable by custom software only. These files are essentially containers for multiple wav files stuck together with a binary file header, in a single file. MATLAB code to read these files is available: readhydfile.m and associated functions. Please contact us for details.

Oceans 3.0 API filter: extension=hyd


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