For hydrophone spectral data PNG/PDF plots: 

These options provide the user with the ability to change a number of parameters of the spectrogram plots. Note that any changes from the defaults means the plots are re-generated on-the-fly, while the default options will cause the search or data viewer to access the pre-generated spectrograms, which is much faster. The default colourmap / palette used is not colour preceptively balanced and is biased for all users, however it is something of an old standard. The colour limits control the limits of the sound levels plotted. The frequency upper limit allows users to trim off higher frequencies that may be extraneous to their use.

Colour Palette:

Upper Colour Limit:

Lower Colour Limit:

Upper Frequency Limit:

File-name mode field

The Colour Palette option will add a shortened version of the colour palette selected to the filename eg. _colour_seqFusCha. The colour limit option will also add a shorted version of the limit applied if anything but the default is selected eg. _hLim_100 or _lLim_50.

The Upper Frequency Limit option will add the limit value selected to the filename (eg. _freqLim1000Hz) if anything but the default is selected.

  • No labels